Intergas Compact Combi 36/30 boiler is leaking

Hi Everyone,

I have installed an Intergas compact combi 36/30 boiler in my home one year ago. Today, when I woke up, I suspected few leaks from the boiler. I have restarted it many times but all in vain. I have to face this problem whenever I turn it on. How I can fix this issue at home?

Thanks for your feedback


Hi Mark,

Sometimes the minor parts of the boiler are culprits behind the leaking boiler for instance, broken or damaged valve and pump seal. In few cases, the problem arises due to rusted or worn out pipe & in extreme cases, improperly installed boiler. Before fixing the boiler, you have to check the current pressure of the boiler & if this does not fix your issue do call a competent boiler engineer for investigating and diagnosing the problem in a professional way.