Intergas Boilers Guide
Welcome to Intergas Boilers Guide!
This site was created to provide all our users with all historical, commercial, technical information about Intergas boilers. If you were considering a new boiler purchase you will find Compare Model section very useful, if you were about checking an option about Intergas boilers you will find FAQ section very interesting and if you are experiencing an issue you will find a lot of useful information Troubleshooting Manual and Spare Parts sections.
Intergas Inc is Dutch boiler manufacturer with the historicity reaching 50 years back. They are present on UK market for over 20 years becoming more and more popular thanks to its extreme reliability and almost no faults developed throughout the years. Intergas boilers use a Bi-thermic heat exchanger which means that all Combi boilers actually don’t use any water for water plate exchanger and no diverter valves. Company has its sales offices and installation sites in over 20 countries all over the world with the production sites in The netherlands and Germany. In the production counties Intergas Combi Compact boilers won numerous Best Buys and awards. Over 4000 boilers leave the production sites every week.
An extra reliability and warranty
The Intergas Boilers use two-in-one double high efficiency heat exchanger that is covered with a 10 years warranty as a standard making company pretty unique with the warranty length ever given for a gas appliance. Intergas Combi boilers offer unique installation in parts: first only hot water and then central heating giving its owners even more reliability. Latest Intergas ECO models come with up to 5 years warranty for parts and labor.
Selecting a Intergas Boiler
If you were considering a new boiler purchase you should definitely consider Intergas brand. We welcome you to visit our Model Compare site, where you will be able to compare number of features you would like your boiler to have. We have included tables comparing basic purpose, features, user interface as efficiences information. Before making a final choice we however recommend a visit one of the Intergas shops where you can compare your choice with a specialist advice. You will most probably be asked about things like size of your house, number of radiators, house isolation type etc.
Common faults
Intergas boilers are known as very good and reliable boilers. They break down rarely and 90% of all faults observed are faults caused but not proper installation performed by local specialist- not Intergas boiler engineer. Annually serviced Intergas boilers break very rare, but the most known issues include:
- Intergas Combi HRE 24/18 after a years of usage start not to heat as strong as it was during the first years that is often caused by not proper annual service or lack of annual service where condensate and gas pipe are getting checked/cleared causing lower the gas pressure coming to the flame unit
- Intergas Combi Compact 36/30 after years of usage sometimes starts to go on and off with heating and hot water produce due to gas valve fault that needs to be replaced every -7 years
- Intergas Combi Compact HRE models sometimes develop a fan fault that is easily recognizable by strange noise and needs simple replacement
Remember that whenever your boiler is under warranty you should primarily contact Intergas customer service for repairing a boiler than calling a local specialist or repairing it yourself.